About me

I have been a teacher for 15 years: K-12 - managed thousands of kids over the years in every classroom possible- then Special Education teacher - and have transformed countless behaviors and lives via behavior management training (under a BCBA in 2018 - trained 600 hours) and work in the field nearly two decades. "Behavior Analysis- if you search - is a "separate discipline and science." Not all counselors or teachers are trained in it and definitely not 600 hours worth. I can state with all certainty and having 30 Graduate hours (3.9 GPA) in Education, it is a separate degree/certificate. This is relevant because it's a field many aren't aware of. I currently work as a Behavior Therapist and I'm also working part time as a teacher (K-12). My goal is to reach and help as many families and individuals possible - as a Behavior Coach and Happiness/Relationship Coach. There isn't a family or individual I haven't been able to help and transform in the best way possible since 2018. I will gladly provide proof of credentials and verification of employment upon request - as well as 20 recommendations received over the years - while working for the County and prior.