This is by no means an extensive list, just a few examples over the years:
🌻☀️Daycare classes which were absolute chaos - (not Kiddie Academy where I was also employed) - I changed the classes to orderly well behaved ones and I set the stage for the kids to participate in positive and productive learning environments. Prior: the 4 year olds (and a couple other rooms) witnessed misbehavior and disrespect all day every day. This was a long standing problem none of the adults @ the center could fix and resolve. Most daycares do a good job but in this particular one: the behavior and mismanagement day in and day out was out of control.
🌻However, note: there does exist a phenomenon in some daycares : and many parents are aware of this, that there are recurring behaviors for atleast one child or other children. This is also where I provide solutions which (in all likelihood) will work and fast.
🌻☀️In the other classrooms @ this same daycare, the teachers did not know how to get any number of kids to listen to instructions... so it was mostly a free for all. I fixed every situation this occurred.
🌻☀️An 8 year old child suffering with ADHD who cried, screamed and became violent (hit the desk) when asked to do Math: this child was pleading to do Math with me. Keep in mind, the problem was not resolved prior in the classroom the past couple years and despite an IEP.
🌻☀️A 10 year old child who would not complete Math and Reading assignments during the summer for his parents. Within a half hour, he was compliant and happy to be. The parents were guided appropriately on how to request and obtain compliance and task completion. He "escaped" the task btw in amusing ways: pretending to sleep, fiddling and engaged with his pencil constantly, attempted to distract me (and himself) with fun topics.
🌻☀️An 8 year old child who refused to write in class or at home. This child was writing in front of the parents within a couple hours of the session. The child did not refuse to write again due to my input and strategies offered. The parents also received coaching on successfully resolving the other behaviors - ie talking over people and not patiently listening, among others. This child was not helped in the system though the concerns were long standing.
🌻☀️In classrooms, I've managed thousands of K-12 kids over the years: they are happy, excited, and motivated to learn and follow instructions. I will provide guidance on how to respond to tests by the kiddos. The right response by the adult changes the day and behavior with lasting impacts.
🌻☀️A college student living at home refusing to do his chores every Saturday - the father would be so upset week after week. Problem fixed and the child does not need to be asked at all anymore.
🌻☀️A high functioning and very sweet Autistic child who struggled with personal boundaries (hugging folks without warning or holding hand) and yelling out inappropriately. I fixed these behaviors and provided the parent with tools to do so at home. He asks for hugs now and no longer yells out. This same child like other Aut. kids I helped used to walk around during lessons at school. After my intervention, these kids stayed put and loved learning like every other child. Prior to my placement in the room, these behaviors weren't resolved.
🌻☀️A 4 year child who did not engage and play with others. I helped the parents with tools to get him out of his shell and he is now enjoying play time and doing well socially.
🌻☀️A 10 year old who would be combative during play - ie push other children he played with, say inappropriate things and not take turns. I helped the parent resolve these concerns and the child is now playing 'nice' at school and forming friendships.
🌻☀️A 9 year old child who would yell out during a lesson without being called on, I fixed his behavior so he no longer felt the need to. This was a long standing pattern before I stepped in and it was halted after my coaching.
🌻☀️Transformed the way a couple relatives deal with negative behaviors (and no longer with hostility and anger), a complete turn around - plus a few more strategies that are life changing. Behaviors were resolved and I helped to prevent new negative ones though that was a pattern before my intervention.

I have had the privilege of witnessing countless success stories of individuals who have overcome their challenges and achieved personal growth. From helping with behavior concerns to improving relationships, my clients have experienced life-changing transformations. The road we're on is the one that leads to more happiness, positivity, fulfillment, and sunshine in our lives. Let's walk it together!

Ready to transform your life?
Contact me today to schedule a free 10 minute consultation and embark on your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. And so I can help you promote and create the happiest home life (and classroom) possible 🌻.