Let me help you transform behaviors with personalized intervention strategies and coaching. I have been able to assist and improve every behavior thus far and it's fair to say I will do the same for your child, teen or young adult and by guiding you on best preventative strategies. 




Help with Career, Relationship, Personal Goals, and Day to Day life stresses so you can be THE BEST AND HAPPIEST YOU. A proactive approach to help you with concerns and leading a life of fulfillment and happiness.  Are you open to new tools which will empower you, uplift you and change your life? I also provide Healing help and spiritual guidance 🙏.  And if you just need a listening ear and are undergoing hardships, a difficult transition, or stress: I will be a compassionate and caring resource for you. 


Enhance social skills for successful interactions and relationships. Build confidence, self love and learn the tools to strengthen your current relationships or form new lasting ones.


Frequently Asked Questions

What ages do you work with?

individuals of all ages are eligible for the behavior help, from toddlers to late teens and young adults. Life, Happiness and Relationship Coaching is available to teens and adults. Note: I must speak to a parent and obtain consent prior to functioning as a Coach for those under 18.

How long does a typical behavior intervention program last?

Children's (and young adult) behaviors and concerns can be tranformed  and resolved in 1-4 hours via strategies provided. 4 hours is the absolute maximum (if there are multiple concerns); It will take less typically. Life/Happiness and Relationship Coaching: the duration individual clients wish for. 

Do you offer virtual consultations?

Help with behavior is more producitive in person but virtual sessions may be possible depending on the concern. I offer a free 10 minute consultation first before booking, so we can determine the best avenue. For LC/RC sessions: phone sessions are typical. 



Contact me for Behavior Help so that I can help to change your child's life in the home and school environment. I'm here for you also as a Happiness/Relationship Coach: I  will help to improve your life in the most meaningful and life changing ways. 


My Sunshine Behavior Help is based in Northern VA and serves clients locally and nationally.  I am dedicated to transforming children's lives via my training and work as a behavior therapist and experience working with K-12 for 15 years. I look forward to helping families and empowering individuals of all ages to overcome challenges, live the happiest lives possible, and achieve full potential. I offer dedicated and compassionate care and service to create positive results and provide support every step of the way for clients served.